Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Psychology Simplified On Bringing The Best Or Worst Out In People

Would you accept that it is just as easy to do either! Which you achieve is pretty well entirely down to you! You can control your approach to get the Best or the Worst out of people. Now will come the shouts from readers that this is rubbish because some people are always intent in bringing out the worst in others! True, but aren't they still proving the point? Aren't they proving it is easy to do. Just because they decide not to try to bring the best out in people, why should you give up on it!

Take complaining, (which we all have to do from time to time)! This offers a great chance to vindicate our behaviour. Suppose you have an issue with an energy supplier. You ring their call centre angry about the problem. Be honest, is the person taking the call likely to be the first or last person to have been briefed on the cause of your problem. Is he or she likely to be all set to give you the information you need? Answer: No. Is he or she paid to try to help you? Yes!

Now the crucial question - again be honest and fair - do you think he or she vowed privately while on the way to work at the call centre that day, "I am going to screw up as many peoples problems as I can today?" Realistic answer: "No!"

Believe it not, even the people working in these front line complaint roles want to do a good job. They want to achieve a result for you. They can be just as frustrated that they themselves have yet to be given an explanation.

So does blasting and bad-mouthing them help or hinder them when resolving your complaint? Of course, tell them you are very angry and desperately inconvenienced - assuming it is true - but don't be angry with them and watch what happens!

Isn't the reaction: 'Oh Dear! Tell me more about it and and let me see if I can sort it out'.
Now you have a small team working on your problem.

If instead you blast them down the phone, surely all you get is a self-protective, defensive, classic job manual response for difficult callers.

Doctors, hospitals, police, airlines, telephone companies, holiday companies and many more, all employ people like you. Like you they too are busy, trying to simplify things. They have children with chicken pox or mumps, a parent ill, financial worries, or may not be feeling too great themselves.

Really! Is any of this, you ask, an issue for you and your complaint? You may say, after all the bother you have had, that there is absolutely no justification for accommodating any of this. Yelling at them is the only way, given the scale of the trouble..

So what would I say to that? OK! You choose! Adopt an approach asking for help and apologising for your aggravated state and watch how the helper's own sense of justice kicks in. But multiply the problem by verbally assaulting the person in the call centre and who gains?.

This same simple psychology can be used with employees too. All managers work related surely have problems, disappointments and annoying issues. They too can deal with those in the part of the business that caused. There they can bring the worst out of the staff involved. It is so easy but solves nothing either.

Even more true is that some people who have caused us grief can be innocently unaware of the problem they have caused us. When told in civil manner they can be more horrified than we are as the sufferer. Yet when blasted out they can in ignorance deny it and exacerbate the whole affair.

What's the simple ploy then? With the Psychology Simplified, just adopt a frame of mind to bring the best out in people. You won't ever achieve 100% success but you will be astonished how it simplifies your life. More to the point still - watch your blood pressure drop!

Gerry Neale is a mentor, an artist and a writer of many articles on Psychology published on Ezine and copied elsewhere. He is the author of a recently published cognitive novel called "Squaring Circles" ISBN 9780956868824. The book is a paperback available on line and soon to be available in UK book shops. More details are available at or via the publishers at

Finding A Specialty Within The Engineering Field

Although the job market is stagnant, there is one field that seems to be booming - engineering. Not only do engineers get the benefit of being in a stable career, they also make very good salaries. If you want to pursue engineering as a career, you might want to research the various specialties within this broad field. This will help you to choose a degree program that falls in line with your career goals.

Engineering is one of those fields that is on the forefront of the "green" movement. Does taking a role in saving the planet appeal to you? If so, look no further than environmental engineering. This field helps in creating remedies to environmental pollution. An engineering degree with an environmental emphasis will probably include courses on water treatment and sustainable design.

Those interested in computers may want to instead go into the field of computer software engineering. This could be considered more of an information technology field, but actually there are many engineering degrees that focus on this subject. As you might have guessed, professionals in this career develop software that we run on our computers - either for fun or for work.

If it is hardware that excites you, on the other hand, electronic engineering may be more suited to your interests. People who have completed a four-year engineering program that specializes in electronics may find work as an electronics engineering technician or technologist. These professionals test electronic components such as microprocessors.

Another emphasis area in engineering is nanotechnology, which is the study of science and technology at the molecular level. People who earn engineering degrees and pursue careers in this specialty are on the forefront of scientific innovation. Every year, technology gets smaller and smaller, in terms of gadgets - nanotechnology engineers are partially responsible for this.

Are you interested in both engineering and the health sciences? Biomedical engineering is an program that brings together these two fields. Students pursuing a degree in this field can expect to take courses that discuss the physical sciences, such as molecular biology, and engineering, such as computer aided design.

Last, but certainly not least, is the field of civil engineering. When people think of engineering and what engineers do, their first thoughts probably fall on civil engineering. These are the professionals who design our structures, like buildings and bridges. The education they receive in degree programs across the country help them to create safe structures that we use every day. The next time that you are on the top floor of a sky-scraper, be thankful that civil engineers probably had a hand in its construction.

Most engineers with four-year degrees make more than $30 an hour. Even technicians do pretty well at more than $20 an hour. This is true of all the specializations listed above; however, earning a graduate degree will provide the best salary. As you can see, a degree in engineering spans a wide range of disciplines, which means a large variety of specialties from which to choose. Because of the many degrees out there, it is very important that you really research all the different programs that are available before you settle on the perfect one for you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Artificial Sperm? Could This Be The End Of Male Infertility?

Couples struggling with infertility issues can spend thousands of dollars seeking a scientific answer, which often increases the stress of the situation, making a successful pregnancy even harder to achieve.
Friends of mine spent about a year and a half trying to conceive through in vitro fertilisation. The process took their savings and imposed restrictions on their diets and daily lives, as they carefully anticipated the "fertile days" each month. The hormonal roller coaster ride her system had to endure became a major factor in abandoning the process. It put a terrible strain on their relationship. It was even difficult for family and friends, such as myself, who always wanted to be supportive, but dreaded seeing the body language between them.
Infertility can be related to both sexes. In 60% of cases infertility is female related, but 40% of the time, it's caused by male complications. It was also determined that in 25% of these couples, both partners have fertility issues.
But now, Japanese scientists believe they have made a huge breakthrough on how to treat infertility in men. For the first time, sperm has been grown from scratch in a laboratory. It took about ten weeks to grow the sperm from mice stem cells.
The artificial sperm was then implanted into the testes of an infertile male mouse, which was then later extracted and used to fertilize mouse eggs in a laboratory dish. A mouse foster mother was then artificially inseminated with two sets of embryos, which apparently produced healthy mice. These mice then went on to reproduce under normal conditions.
This breakthrough in stem cell research could have all kinds of positive repercussions in the advancement of regenerative medicine. Stem cells are the body's master code, they are the source of all cells and tissues. They grow into all different types of cells and multiply. The scientists who study them are hopeful they will be pivotal in the treatment of diseases such as cancer.
The most encouraging part, is that this new discovery made by the Japanese scientists, can be studied immediately to determine if it can shed light on, or even correct male infertility issues. Especially in cases where men can't produce sperm at all.
Will artificial sperm be used to solve human infertility? It's a possibility that is still years, perhaps decades away from being applied to humans. And, it is sure to start another wave of controversy regarding legal and ethical dilemmas.
K M Fox is a writer and product reviewer. She can be reached at

Learning to Count to Ten in Spanish by Using Mnemonics

Mnemonics are the most powerful way to learn a complicated body of information such as a foreign language. A mnemonic is a way of organising information as it goes into your mind to allow for more efficient recall. This is usually accomplished by making an association between the thing you want to remember, in this case Spanish vocabulary, and something you already know, such as the sound of an English word.

This article gives an example of mnemonics for learning the first ten numbers in Spanish. As you read the mnemonics, try to picture the visual image that each one describes. Focus on the element of the image that suggests the sound of the Spanish word that it links to.

one un/una
Uma Thurman sits at a desk as one of the students in a Spanish class. She is wearing an oversized foam hand with the index finger extended, the kind you see at baseball games.

two dos
There are two small explosions on the floor, and two small clouds of dust rise up. The dust forms two columns as it rises into the air.

three tres
A teacher comes into the classroom, balancing three trays on one arm.

four cuatro
There are a total of four cats on the three trays.

five cinco
On the wall behind the teacher and Uma Thurman, there are five kitchen sinks arranged in a stack.

six seis
The teacher picks up a book and starts reading from it. 'Six, he says. He says six.'

seven siete
Eddie Murphy walks in wearing a shirt with a large number seven on it. 'See Eddy', the teacher says to Uma, pointing at him.

eight ocho
A schoolgirl starts playing hopscotch on the floor, but the numbers in the squares are all eights.

nine nueve
On one of the desks is a large object underneath a cover. Uma Thurman pulls the cover off to reveal an intricate sculpture of a large number nine. The teacher looks at it and says 'It's very new-wavey.'

ten diez
There is a collection of numbers on Uma Thurman's desk. She asks the teacher is she wants any of them. The teacher picks a one and a zero and holds them up, saying 'I'll take dese ones.'

Go through this list of mnemonics a few times, vividly imagining every description, and after a while you won't need to recall the mnemonics to remember the numbers: they will sink into your long-term memory and you will remember them for a very long time.

If you're interested in learning languages in the most efficient way possible, use this mnemonics directory to learn spanish vocabulary.

Monday, September 12, 2011

UFOs: The Sceptics, The Scientists, And The Double Standards

The UFO Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) can't be therefore it isn't; alright it might be but it still isn't; don't bother me with facts, my mind is made up; and in any event it's all pseudoscience and I just deal with real science. Trust me on this - I'm a scientist! And we all know scientists are 100% rational and right 100% of the time!

Many professional scientists, and other sceptics, when and if they think about UFOs at all, have been preconditioned to think of them in terms of the lunatic fringe, nutters who accept any and all pseudoscience associated with the paranormal and therefore not worthy of their attention, or if worthy, then worthy in a negative sense as only something to ridicule. They like to in a sense 'pour water on a drowning man' and pat themselves on the back as how superior they are relative to the astrology-minded; the great unwashed set who believe dinosaurs and humans coexisted together.

Firstly, let's dispose of the sceptics, professional and otherwise, since their double standard amounts to treating all pseudoscience or all paranormal topics equally. Actually therefore sceptics only have a single standard - no shades of grey. One size fits all. That is to say, no matter what the anomaly, it's rubbish. Sceptics just lump together all that's paranormal, and call it pseudoscience as any sceptics' website or monograph will more than adequately demonstrate - all pseudoscience is nonsense and all = all. However, I suggest that instead of all anomalies being equal; some anomalies are more equal than others. In short, some anomalies are really bovine fertiliser, but hardly all. To lump astrology and UFOs in the same basket is a double standard, since the theoretical and observational evidence for each isn't really equal. Likewise, there's more theoretical and actual evidence for the existence of the Sasquatch (Bigfoot) than there is for say telepathy. Since sceptics can't distinguish serious anomalies from trivial ones, well I can't treat sceptics seriously since when crunch comes to the crunch, they can't be bothered to do the proper research and make distinctions.

Scientists on the other hand should take everything on their individual merits, and clearly in any scientific field, not all topics have equal merits. Saying life exists on Mars is not in the same league as saying life exists on Venus. Despite that, some topics do have equal merits, but that doesn't stop scientists from pretending they don't. Take SETI for example.

SETI (that's the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) scientists tend to poo-poo ufology buffs for failing to come up with a UFO ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis) smoking gun, or any compelling evidence, especially physical evidence for hardcore UFOs, in over six decades. That's one topic. Of course they conveniently forget that SETI is entirely based on theory and SETI hasn't produced a smoking gun conclusive of the existence of ETI either, over a near equal five decades of searching. But that's another topic. However, both topics are in fact equal in that neither has produced a smoking gun that's 'killed' the alien and provided a corpse for study. In fact, the amount of SETI evidence, including physical evidence, is but a short story compared to the full length UFO novel.

There is one other up-close-and-personal reason SETI scientists dump on the UFO ETH and/or 'ancient astronauts' is because they have a vested interest in SETI. They have spent careers, building equipment designed to look for alien intelligence out there, often been made fun of by other scientists (and the American Congress) in their hunt for 'little green men'. It would be a serious blow to their egos, careers, reputations and an actual downright embarrassment if ET proven to be down here all along. So, it's almost a natural reaction to rubbish any alternative idea. We've seen that any number of times in the history of science - Darwinian evolution vs. Lamarckian evolution; the Big Bang cosmology vs. the Steady State cosmology; catastrophism vs. uniformitarianism in geology. Debates have often been controversial, personal and bitter. So it's interesting to note that when I communicate some of my unorthodox ideas to a well known SETI scientist, if I get under his skin, at worst I get no response; at best one that starts with "Dear Mr. Prytz". Now if I say something he considers sensible (by his standards) the reply is "Dear John". That's a bit of a double standard too in its own right.

Now when it comes to SETI vs. the UFO ETH, that's not to say SETI scientists shouldn't continue to do SETI - they should - nothing ventured, nothing gained. But it gains them nothing to reject out of hand the rival idea that ET is or was down here are well as being up there.

Quite apart from SETI, the majority of scientists, especially physical scientists, usually poo-poo the UFO ETH with a there's 'no evidence' mantra. But such scientists leave themselves wide open to the double standard. Many a scientist will profess a firm belief in something that has absolutely 'no evidence' of any kind, conveniently forgetting that they have rubbished other people's beliefs for having faith in six impossible things that appear on their dining room table prior to breakfast. And so we see here the beginnings of more general double standards.

A prime example of how some scientists have their lack of evidence and belief too is with respect to religion. Even as recently as 2009, a public opinion poll found that a significant (albeit minority) percentage of scientists had a belief in a God that was up close and personal in their lives. There's not the slightest bit of evidence, physical or otherwise, that God exists. There's absolutely no evidence for any deity (monotheistic or polytheistic), yet many scientists have no trouble accepting on faith and having a belief in a deity (or deities) sight unseen by anyone and everyone. No one verifiable has seen the monotheistic deity God and all the polytheistic deities are apparently, according to scholars, entirely mythological. Go figure. This essay could just as easily been constructed around a theme of double standards with respect to God: Show Me the Evidence!' There just isn't any.

That reminds me of God's double standard of 'do as I say, not as I do'. It's just like God (of the Old Testament) to command "Thou shall not kill" while He goes off and nearly exterminates the entire terrestrial human and animal population vis-à-vis the universal deluge. Anyway, back to the scientist.

There are valid cases within science itself of scientists not only 'having a lack of evidence for X's reality but never-the-less a belief in X's reality too'. Now without meaning to accuse scientists of pure hypocrisy, there are lots of current concepts in science that have absolutely no evidence of any sort apart from the purely theoretical to support them, yet are taken quite seriously by physical scientists. A partial list would include concepts like the Multiverse (there is more than one universe - ours - within the overriding cosmos); the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics; particle physic's string theory; the Higgs Boson; the possible existence of ten or eleven dimensions; the Ekpyrotic (two string theory [mem]branes colliding and accounting for the origin of our) Universe theory; and, shock-horror for those interested in SETI, the total lack of any under-the-microscope, hardcore evidence whatsoever for any intelligent life forms anywhere out there other than intelligent terrestrial life forms (humans). Yet it is acceptable for scientists to research these areas without being subjected to having their sanity questioned. I fail to see why the UFO ETH is an exception to this. Even forget the UFO ETH - just the UFO phenomena full-stop is off-limits. Be that as it may, it is.

Understandably for scientists, there is one very big and fundamental problem with UFOs. They tend to be unpredictable in time and space, and when they do show up; they don't stand still and grant you an interview and allow you the leisure of taking out your yardstick or whatever other scientific instrument you care to name and measuring them.

But there are other case histories from the annals of science regarding 'the nature of the evidence' that have parallels with UFOs - physical phenomena that are unpredictable in time and space, that don't stand still; that you can't poke and prod, and that you can not put under the microscope and, examine at your leisure. These various phenomena; well ball lightning comes to mind; ditto Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLP); and you can't rewind the clock and prepare for (instruments at the ready) and witness the one-off Tunguska event are akin to UFOs in that scientists lack the means to lock them down, isolate them, and study the unfolding event at their leisure. Yet, it is one rule for one (ball lightning, TLP, Tunguska); one rule for another (UFOs).

So there seems to be a double standard for acceptable evidence here. UFOs have apparently no verifiable evidence and a 'giggle factor'; ball lightning and TLP have unverifiable evidence but no 'giggle factor', yet all of these have theoretical underpinnings that make their existence plausible. In the case of the UFO ETH, it's the Fermi Paradox - that's the 'where are they, if they exist they should be here' observation.

Ultimately the question here boils down to finding an answer (a smoking gun) to the question that humans have asked and speculated on for thousands of years - are we alone in the universe? There shouldn't be any double standards employed when it comes down to addressing this issue. There are ultimately four choices: 1) We can choose not to answer the question because the world has bigger priorities than proving the existence of 'little green men'; 2) we can, as SETI does, search out there, which obviously is a very logical thing to do even though it's a proverbial 'needle in the haystack' search; 3) we can search down here - ancient astronauts and UFOs - which is a positive in that it restricts the haystack's geography required to be examined, but on probability is less likely statistically that the needle will be there (another parallel being someone looking for a lost key underneath the lamppost just because the light's better there); 4) or we can do both - search out there AND search down here and not put our quest for the 'little green men' into an either/or basket. Unfortunately, that's way too idealistic a position to have accepted given the historical double standard already taken.

In conclusion, when it comes to the scientific community and evidence, there is often a double standard employed. There's not one shred of physical evidence for string theory, yet it's an accepted area of funded academic research and has been for decades. On the UFO issue, many scientists while happy to accept the accuracy of eyewitness testimony when it provides data that turns a UFO event into an IFO, for some strange reason reject eyewitness testimony when it reinforces the unidentified or unknown status of the UFO event. That's another double standard. Go figure!

Of course the ultimate conclusion to be drawn is that scientists are human too and have their own agendas, backgrounds and personalities which can and do colour their belief systems. Apart from the ever logical Mr. Spock, is there any human, past or present (and probably future) who hasn't at one time or other employed a double standard? Not that that makes the double standard acceptable of course, but theoretical idealism and practical reality is two very separate things.

So, IMHO, the double standard fails because though sceptics and scientists rally against the UFO ETH, and perhaps they are right in their conclusions, skeptics and scientists aren't all-knowing and often base their conclusions on faith or belief. They too are human with all the accompanying baggage that implies and they can, and do, make mistakes, and such is the case I believe when it comes to labeling the pro UFO ETH a pseudoscience. Once upon a time Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus would have been considered pseudo-astronomers; Heinrich Schliemann (of Troy fame) someone who dabbled in pseudo-archaeology; Charles Darwin was a pseudo-naturalist; and Alfred Wegener, obviously put forth a theory (continental drift) that could only be described as pseudo-geology at the time. Even originally Albert Einstein was so far out in left field that his scientific seniors and superiors could easily have described his physics as pseudo-physics. Only time and history will be the judge whether or not the UFO ETH is or was pseudoscience or real science. The jury IMHO is still out on that issue.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Plastic Brain - Fake It Until You Make It

About a decade ago, Philip Martinez was involved in a motorcycle accident in which the nerves in his left hand were destroyed, leading to an amputation. However, after the amputation he was haunted by his amputated hand, as if it still existed, but was immovable and in excruciating pain. He eventually found Dr. V.S. Ramachandran, a neuroscientist at University of California at San Diego, who had been researching the phenomenon Martinez was experiencing - "phantom limbs".

To help amputees deal with their phantom pain, Ramachandran created an ingenious solution called a mirror box, designed to trick the brain into thinking that it is working with the phantom limb. It is an uncapped box with two compartments separated by a vertical mirror. As Martinez placed his good arm into one of the two compartments and imagined that his amputated hand was in the other compartment, from a certain angle the mirror box allowed him to see the reflected image of his good hand, as if his amputated limb was there. As he moved his good hand while looking at the reflected image, he was not only able to "see" the amputated limb, but to feel it as well. This seems almost as magical as a fantasy. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry first saw the sorcerer's stone in his pocket through the Mirror of Erised, before he actually found it in his pocket. Similarly, Ramachandran's mirror box allows someone to see what they want to happen before their brain actually makes it happen.

At first, Martinez felt that the phantom limb was unfrozen and moving again only when looking at the reflection; when he closed his eyes, the painful sensation returned. After four weeks of working with the box for ten minutes a day, the seemingly permanent pain was cured. The mirror box had caused the brain to believe that the nonexistent limb had begun working again, relieving the pain and uncomfortable sensation. The brain had rewired itself - the body faked it until the brain made it.

Neuroplasticity is the characteristic of the brain that allows it to adapt, rewire, and change its structure, similar to the ability of plastic to mold and change shape. The plastic brain defies the long standing theory that brains, especially adult brains, are rigid structures.

In the past, neurologists did many studies to identify which part of the brain controls which body function or action, also known as brain mapping. The previously accepted belief was that these brain maps, once established during childhood, could never be changed; a particular area of the adult brain can control only a certain part of the body so that all regions of brain maps were immutable. It would be as if the boundaries of countries had been permanently established since the beginning of time. However, the discoveries of neuroplasticity in the early 1970's led to an entirely new view- brain maps can expand, diminish, and become more specific to certain sensory inputs and motor functions. Ramachandran witnessed changes in brain maps when he scratched the cheek of a patient experiencing phantom pain. The patient not only felt the scratch in his cheek, but in the phantom limb as well. Confirmed through brain imaging, Ramachandran concluded that the limb's brain map had meshed with the cheek's brain map. Like an emperor with an avid desire to gain territory, the cheek's map was encroaching on the limb's map.

Before designing the illusory mirror box, Ramachandran uncovered the brain map of phantom limbs. He observed that many amputated patients had the limb in a sling before amputation, which caused the brain map to adapt to the "frozen" state of the limb. From a healthy limb, the brain receives motor and sensory outputs signaling the completion of an action, however, after a limb is amputated, the brain no longer receives those messages. The brain therefore continues to think that the limb is frozen because it was not signaled otherwise. If a tree fell in a forest but no one was there to hear the sound, did the tree really make a sound? Was the limb really amputated if the brain was not told so? According to the brain map, the limb was still there, but because it was not responding, the brain pushed harder and harder to try and receive an output signal, leading to excruciating "phantom" pain. The knowledge of changing brain maps combined with the identification of the phantom map, led to the cure for phantom pain.

Aside from the mirror box, another "trick" to change the brain is visualization. Visualization has gained popularity as an alternative way to improve any skill when unable to practice, and has now been proven scientifically through neuroplasticity. Scientist Pascual - Leone of Harvard Medical School studied two groups of people, those who physically practiced the piano, and those who simply imagined practicing the piano. The brains of both groups of people were constantly mapped over the same intervals and showed similar changes. The group who simply imagined playing the piano was able to play almost nearly as well as the group with physical practice, and only needed one physical practice session to catch up. The repetitive imagination of an action strengthens the neuronal connections of that action similar to the way in which physical practice does, resulting in physical improvement.

When I used to train for competitive tennis and was learning a new shot, my coach would say "Imagine this shot in perfect detail several times and it will come more easily to you." I did not appreciate the advice he gave me until now. "Fake it until you make it" seems to have the potential to help anyone with anything, whether it is through the mirror box or visualization. Neuroplasticity is introducing magic into the world of science, like a sprinkle of Tinkerbell's pixie dust.

Cancer Research in Biotechnology Part II - Genetic Analysis

Gene expression profiling (GEP) is a powerful tool to identify genes and pathways that are abnormally expressed during carcinogenesis. While these discoveries enhance our understanding of molecular pathogenesis, they can also suggest novel therapeutic targets, provide information about drug resistance pathways, and refine prognostic classifications.

A major problem in clinical oncology is the heterogeneous response of histologically similar tumors to treatments such as cytotoxic chemotherapy. With the exception of estrogen/progesterone receptor, and HER2 (c-erbB-2) expression in breast cancer (for hormonal therapy and trastuzumab, respectively), EGFR kinase domain mutations and genomic amplification in lung cancer (in EGFR targeted inhibitors gefitinib or erlotinib), and K-ras mutations in colon cancer (lack of response to EGFR-targeted antagonists), there are no other single molecules that are clinically useful predictors of response validated for any form of anticancer therapy.

Encouraging emerging data suggest that prediction of response to chemotherapy or biologically targeted agents may be possible by analyzing gene expression profiles (GEPs). With rapid advances in the DNA microarray technologies and more sophisticated studies, microarray analysis has started to make ways into clinical trials and practices in oncology.

Several examples of the potential application of GEPs in clinical oncology are described here to illustrate the utility of this technology in common solid tumors and hematologic malignancies.

Acute leukemia - The first report to show that GEPs could be used to classify tumors analyzed a group of acute leukemias. Based upon gene expression patterns, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) could be distinguished from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) without standard histology information. Similarly, B-cell versus T-cell ALL could be separated based on GEP. This study served as proof of principle that clinically useful classifications could be made simply by gene expression patterns. In another report, a case with equivocal histology by standard criteria was accurately classified by gene analysis, demonstrating the potential utility of GEP beyond standard histologic and immunocytochemical methods.

Others have shown that GEP can distinguish among prognostically important subgroups of children with ALL and adults with AML, in some cases identifying those who eventually fail therapy. If these findings are confirmed by others, the logical next step is to apply a more intense initial treatment strategy to such patients, selected on the basis of their GEP.

It may also be possible to screen for agents capable of inducing leukemic cell differentiation through changes in their GEP. A major caveat is that gene expression profiles of clinical samples may differ significantly from those seen in cell lines representing the corresponding leukemia.

Prostate cancer - A potential application of GEP in men at risk for prostate cancer is the identification of biomarkers that can help select men with a borderline elevation in serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) for biopsy. In addition, GEP might be used to identify men whose early stage tumors are destined to recur and thus would benefit from more aggressive therapy.

GEP has been used to identify several genes (e.g., hepsin and pim-1) that are upregulated in prostate cancer compared to benign prostatic hyperplasia and normal prostate tissue, and some are highly correlated with clinical outcome [25-30]. Investigators have found a =3-fold difference in expression in over 3000 genes when nonrecurrent prostate cancers were compared to metastatic tumors.

Colon cancer - The serine phosphatase PRL-3 is consistently upregulated in metastatic as compared to non-metastatic colorectal cancers [31]. The finding that metastatic potential appears to be encoded in the primary has challenged the notion that metastases arise from rare cells that have acquired the ability to metastasize.

GEP is under study as a way to improve prognostication, and perhaps, individualize adjuvant therapy recommendations. An area of intense study is the use of GEP to predict which patients with node-negative resected colon cancer are at a relatively higher risk of relapse, and thus, might benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy, as is typically recommended for patients with node-positive disease.

Breast cancer - A molecular classification for breast cancer has been proposed based upon GEP. Luminal (mainly estrogen receptor [ER] positive), basal-like (mostly ER-negative), normal-like, and erbB2+ (mostly HER-2 overexpressing, ER-negative) subgroups have been identified, and have different prognoses.

A major area of investigation is the use of such molecular profiling to predict response to therapy. The GEPs of breast cancers that respond best to neoadjuvant (preoperative) chemotherapy (ie, basal-like, erbB2+) differ from those of nonresponding or resistant tumors.

Analysis of GEP can also distinguish sporadic breast cancers from those associated with BRCA mutations. Perhaps more importantly, GEP can also permit stratification of defined subgroups (ie, those with axillary lymph node-negative breast cancer or grade 2 tumors) into prognostically separate categories. In at least some reports, outcome prediction by GEP outperforms existing prognostic classifications. This topic is discussed in detail elsewhere.

GEP analysis by DNA microarray is available in patients with breast cancer (the 21-gene recurrence score assay, like Oncotype DX) to quantify the likelihood of a breast cancer recurrence in women with newly diagnosed, node-negative hormone receptor-positive early stage breast cancer. The assay is designed to identify those women whose risk of recurrence is low enough to justify the omission of chemotherapy and use of tamoxifen alone as systemic adjuvant therapy.

Although commercially available, the benefit of using 21-gene recurrence score assays (e.g, Oncotype DX) to select the adjuvant therapy strategy has not been tested in a prospective trial. Such an approach is being evaluated in the phase III Trial Assigning IndividuaLized Options for Treatment (Rx) (the TAILORx clinical trial), sponsored by the National Cancer Institute and led by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG).

Dr. Richard Graydon,, trained as an Oncologist, holding both M.D. and PhD degrees, and specializes in molecular genetics and cancer research. His education and experience have provided him analytical and clinical skills for keen insight into diagnosis, treatment, and care of cancer patients. See for further information

Saturday, September 10, 2011

You May Not Like Narcissists, But That Doesn't Mean I'm Not Better Than You - He Said

Recently, I was reading the summer issue of Psychology Today Magazine and there was a big article about how to spot a narcissist. It made me laugh, because I can go on to Facebook, and spot tens of millions of narcissists almost immediately. It is interesting how many people run around and point fingers, without looking in their mirrors. Let me give you an example here; the other day, I was at Starbucks inside the big box retailer bookstore, and I overheard a conversation between two teenagers. One of the teens said to the other; "You are a narcissist, I don't even like you."

Indeed, it made me smile, and I almost choked on my Frappachino, I'm like oh my gosh, that was a heavy statement, where did that come from? After thinking about this for a second I realized that it came from all of this negativity and left-leaning socialist thinking in our society. We seem to be going after the winners, and claiming that anyone who is self-confident is; arrogant, a narcissist, or an egomaniac. Still, the individual did not take the condemnation lightly, he came back and he said; "you may not like narcissists, but that doesn't mean I'm not better than you."

Now then, I was really laughing, I almost couldn't help myself. He really put that gal back in her place, and he was unabashed, and unapologetic for being at the top of his game as he described it. When the girl started badgering him more, he went through a laundry list of reasons why he was out competing the girl. He said he was better in sports, he got better grades, he was better at playing musical instruments, and that he had a higher IQ, higher SAT test scores, and he'd gotten into a better college. The girl was very angry, and she gave him the evil eye.

I have to wonder what her Facebook page looks like, and all the things that she brags about online, and her need for self validation by putting up all those pictures, and seeking to increase the number of people that "friend her" online. It was an interesting conversation to overhear, but it did not appear to me that the guy was a narcissist. Rather, it appeared he had a healthy ego, and he could back up what he was saying by the scoreboard, or the results he'd achieved in various endeavors in his life. The girl did not deny that he had higher SAT test scores, was good at playing a musical instrument, or excelled in sports.

Rather, she was using the label of narcissist to make herself feel better because she wasn't able to achieve as much during her life. Maybe we all need to take a step back, and reevaluate the true definition of narcissism. It seems to be a very miss used term, and a hateful label. Maybe it's time for society to grow up, and consider these angry and mean-spirited comments and labels as hate speech.

Actually, I don't really believe that, but I think it's funny because calling it hate speech is throwing back the political correctness in the face of the underachievers and low self-esteem individuals who cannot, or will not perform. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. If this article offends you, please realize my point is to get you to think, so that might take a little bit of offense to do. So please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,500 articles by August 24th or 25th will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Many Things That You Can Do If You Learn English

English is the most widely used language all over the world and it can be very useful to learn it. It is not just about being able to speak English, it is also about being able to do so many other things. If you learn English, there are so many other activities and things that you can do.

Take for example the songs that you hear on the radio. A lot of these songs are sung by international artists from English-speaking countries. If you learn then you will be able to understand the lyrics of the songs that you listen to on the radio. You will no longer be just bobbing your head in time to the beat of the music and listening to the unintelligible English lyrics of the song. When you learn you will be able to understand what the words mean and you can even sing along to your favourite English songs.

If you are fond of surfing the Internet then you will also benefit if you decide to learn English. Majority of the websites on the Internet are in English so you will be able to browse through more websites if you understand English. You will have the opportunity to gain more knowledge from the different websites on the Internet when you learn English. You will no longer be limited to websites that are written in your own native language.

When you learn English, you are also able to read more books. There are millions of books that are written in English. There are novels, travel books, biographies, poetry\ books and so many more that are all written in English. If you do not learn then you will not be able to read and appreciate all these books. If you are an avid reader then it is very important to learn because if you do then there are a lot more books that you can read and not just those written in your native language.

Movies are a great source of entertainment for almost everybody and there are lots of great movies out there but the majority of them are in English. This is not really too much of a hindrance for movie buffs who cannot understand English because there is such a thing as subtitles. The only problem is that these subtitles can be very irritating. They can distract you from what is really unfolding in the movie because you are busy reading the subtitles. If you learn then you will be able to engross yourself with the movie from start to end without having to distract yourself with the subtitles. You can now learn by Skype with a private English tutor. Click the link and visit our website to get the latest information.

Join the English Club now to get benefits of learning English and find out how you can learn from home: learn English with skype.

Humidity Analyzers And Temperature Sensors Explained

Humidity analyzers, also popularly referred to as moisture sensors or hygrometers, together with temperature sensors are technical gadgets that not only play an important role in various and diverse manufacturing and industrial processes but also are incorporated in many ordinary home appliances we probably have at home.

Humidity Sensors

In industrial and manufacturing environments, moisture sensors are highly sophisticated technical gadgets that enable factory operators as well as industry managers make sure that the product being produced is being manufactured within acceptable levels of humidity. Industries need to comply with high industry quality standards and hygrometers help them in this task. From the human and pet food industry to chemical and pharmaceutical labs, to the wood and leather industry, these devices have multiple uses. For instance, they are useful to determine if the potato chips are packed crispy, if the breakfast cereal will be crunchy and tasty when we eat it every morning and that the chemical compounds used to prepare a certain medicine have not lost their healing properties as result of being exposed to a too dry or wet environment.

In industrial environments there isd usually more than one moisture analyzer set up to monitor the humidity content of the product being manufactured as the acceptable range may vary from step to step of the manufacturing process. In order to make sure that the product complies with the quality standards, a sample is taken and weighed. Then it is introduced in the moisture analyzer and dried. Once dried it is weighed again. The difference between the two weights tell the operator if the environment is dry enough or if further changes need to be made.

As regards home appliances, the air conditioner has a moisture sensor that helps the device know when the air conditioned room has reached the desire level of dryness. Whenever it starts getting humid again, the hygrometer automatically triggers the air conditioner again. Many clothes dryers also come with hygrometers and they help women make sure that their clothes are dried efficiently without being over exposed to dryness.

Antique shops also have moisture analyzers as they are useful to protect relics and antiques from the devastating effect of humidity.

Temperature Sensors Temperature sensors are also more popularly known as thermometers. In clothes dryers they are very helpful as they can be used to make sure that the delicate clothes fibers are not exposed to overheat unnecessarily.

Eduard Jim written for Temperature Sensors.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Five Strategies To Learn Chinese

Chinese is known to be a tough language to master. This is because it is different from other languages. For this reason, some people have fears over not successfully learning it. However, if an individual can overcome this fear, he or she can be able to obtain the benefits out of learning Chinese.

You need to know some strategies that can aid you to master the language effectively. There are many resources that you can utilize to find the appropriate method that can best work for you. Your next step is to discover useful strategies to aid this method and learn Chinese successfully.

The Five Strategies

To facilitate learning the language effectively, you need to schedule a time to study. This may mean that you need to set time for at least twenty minutes every day. Consistency is essential to be able to retain what you learned. It is also helpful to do it at the same time daily and have this as a routine.

If you want to learn with the use of an online software program, take advantage of the games and other activities. This can provide enjoyment while studying. For the classroom setting, you can also take up outside opportunity though it may take some additional time. That is why; you need to keep in mind that learning a new language takes time and effort.

Next is to observe how native speakers form their mouths as they pronounce the words. You can do this by surrounding yourself with Chinese individuals and immersing yourself in their culture. By watching how they form their mouths and use their tongues, these have a significant impact on how the correct sound is produced. Moreover, you need to take note of the aspects of Chinese communication.

It is also best to find ways to master the language on your own. You may look for Chinese movies and watch it first with subtitles. Watch the film again without the subtitles to evaluate yourself if you can fully understand what you are viewing. This way you can be aware on how the words are correctly pronounced and facilitate comprehension better.

Then the most vital part of all is to practice. Take every opportunity that you have to practice what you learned for easy retention. You can also exercise your speaking skills by practicing often.

The Bottom Line

Follow these ways and find out that learning Chinese can't be that complicated. There are also other ways that you can utilize to be successful in your endeavor. Continue to enrich your Chinese vocabulary and enhance your speaking skills by giving your time and effort to learn the language.

Eithan Dickerman learned Chinese in Tel Aviv University where he was able to hone his skills in Mandarin Chinese. He specializes in techniques on how to learn Chinese and has been writing a lot of articles in the field. You can download his e-book guide "Learning Chinese from Scratch" for free here:

The Importance of Vivid Dreams

If you have vivid dreams, you must take advantage of this privilege. All dreams contain precious messages that give you trustful information about everything.

Many vivid dreams usually contain detailed predictions about future situations that will happen in a short period of time. While regular dream predictions give you information about facts that may happen in 5 (or more) years from the day you had a dream about this matter, many vivid dreams contain predictions about facts that will happen the next day, or in a few days.

Of course, this usually happens because you need this information in order to successfully overcome various obstacles or face various dangers. The fact that you have vivid dreams because you need protection is negative. However, since you have information about the future and you are able to change your destiny, these vivid dreams are positive in the end.

You have the privilege of being able to prevent catastrophes or unpleasant situations. This is a big advantage.

Everyone faces many dangers all the time, and everyone has many hidden enemies, but not everyone can learn the truth and avoid falling into hidden traps. If you have vivid dreams and you can translate their meaning according to the scientific method you will be protected from all dangers, and you will triumph in the end.

Vivid dreams that give you information about the near future are usually quite simple. You can see exactly what will happen in the future. The unconscious mind shows you many important details.

Regular dream predictions about facts that will happen in the future ahead are not as clear as dream predictions about immediate future situations contained in vivid dreams. This happens because these predictions protect you from various dangerous situations that you are facing in your daily life.

For example, if you are afraid you may lose your job, and you'll have a vivid dream about your job and your boss, on one hand this dream will give you information about your mental health. On the other hand, it will also give you information about your job. The same can happen about many other important matters of your life each time you are in danger and you need urgent protection.

There are also vivid dreams that give you information about the future development of your life. For example, when I was 17-years-old I saw a vivid dream that was explaining the importance of the literary book I wrote after suffering from a tragic car accident when I was 15-years-old. This vivid dream showed me everything that would happen to me in my future life. The same information was also revealed in the symbolic meaning of my literary book.

Only when I learned how to translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung, many years later, could I finally understand the meaning of this vivid dream and the precious messages it contained.

At the time I had this dream, I was wondering if a certain teacher (who had read the beginning of my literary book) would really help me publish the book when it would be ready, as he had promised.

In the dream I saw three wild and dangerous birds around the polish of my bedroom, covering the lamp. I felt that this dream was answering my question, but at that time I had no idea about what it could possibly mean.

Birds in dreams represent news. When we see peaceful and beautiful birds in a dream, they represent good news. However, when the birds are wild, they represent bad news.

Each bird represented the difficulties I would have to face in my journey. My literary book was never published because it was written in Portuguese, while I had to abandon my country (Brazil) due to its various social problems, at the beginning of 1979, when I was almost 18-years-old. I never became a famous literary writer as I thought I would, since my extraordinary literary talent was admired by everyone.

My literary book contained many predictions and a prophecy. When I learned how to translate the meaning of dreams according to Carl Jung's method, this book helped me better understand the meaning of dreams because all its personages were important dream symbols.

The first wild bird was showing me that I had to abandon my intention to become a literature writer. I had to become a psychiatrist and psychologist for following the unconscious guidance in dreams. I would have to continue Carl Jung's dangerous research into the unknown region of the human psyche.

My literary book prepared me for discovering the roots of human absurdity. The book's story clearly showed me that human theories would never be able to put an end to human misery because hatred didn't let love live in the human hearts.

The second wild bird was showing me that I would discover the terrible anti-conscience, the wild side of the human conscience that generates mental illnesses within the human side of our conscience. I would have to fight against craziness by obeying the wise guidance of the unconscious mind in my dreams and in my daily life.

My book also helped me understand that I suffered from a very serious neurosis that could easily become schizophrenia. The translation of the symbolic meaning of my literary book according to the scientific method clearly showed me that I could become a schizophrenic dictator like my father. This was the meaning of the third wild bird.

Now, I'm going to translate for you the last part of my vivid dream, so that you may understand its real importance.

The dreamer's bedroom in dreams represents the most important part of the dreamer's psyche.

The light of a lamp in dreams represents the false truth generated by human theories and lies. Only the sunlight in dreams represents the real truth.

The three wild birds were covering my bedroom's lamp because they were covering the false truth. I would have to discover the real truth, after arduous research.

The fact that the lamp covered by the wild birds was at my bedroom means that this lamp represented the false truth of my mind. In other words, if my bedroom's lamp was not covered by the birds (that were preventing me from seeing its false light), I would believe in my own false ideas.

The literary book I started writing when I was 16-years-old, after suffering from the tragic car accident the previous year was a true revelation.

The vivid dream I had when I was 17-years-old was showing me how important my literary book really was, and how difficult my life journey was.

However, thanks to all the adventures I would face (the three wild birds); I would manage to discover the real truth (not the false truth of my bedroom's lamp).

I wouldn't be mislead by false suppositions based on human ignorance. I would discover the real truth and find salvation from craziness and terror.

I was cured from a severe neurosis that already had schizophrenic characteristics when I was 28-years-old. I had to fight against my anti-conscience, after discovering its existence thanks to the unconscious guidance.

The vivid dream I saw when I was 17-years-old was preparing me for carrying on my arduous mission. Even though I had to be a hero, I was very lucky because I could be saved from craziness and terror through dream translation.

The prophecy contained in my literary book was the fact that I would prove the existence of God to the world, after discovering the sanctity of the divine unconscious mind that produces our dreams, which Carl Jung couldn't perceive.

Some day, you may have a very revealing vivid dream that will show you the entire route of your future life. Write down our dreams everyday. You never know how revealing a dream can be.

I'm sure you'll love dream interpretation when you'll discover the real value of the dream messages. However, you have to care about translating the meaning of your dreams instead of merely reading my articles, without taking action.

Dream translation is a personal discovery. No matter how many lessons I may give you, only when you'll have a dream prediction yourself, will you really understand the importance of this information; especially after preventing a bad event thanks to this knowledge.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Translation Services - The Help At Hand To Win Over Foreign Customers

For any business going global, the most important aspect is interacting with the prospective customers and language proves to be the biggest hurdle in that. However, with a proficient translation service, you can win over the targeted customers and establish your business firmly on a foreign land.

In the age of globalization, it's common to see business expanding beyond the boundaries of countries. Companies are seeking out opportunities in the emerging markets around the world to establish themselves. They are coming up with innovative ideas to attract the locals to make a mark in a foreign land. Even in a global platform, the competition is getting bigger and the most useful starting point for any business is to interact with their local customers. This doesn't require learning the new language but enabling your customers to understand your business and the ways it can be beneficial for them.

This calls for localizing your global business. You can't let the language barriers interfere with your global growth. You have to take your business through a transformation in terms of languages. Translation is a tricky process and anyone who believes s/he can do that with a help of dictionary and online software has it all figured out wrong. It needs to done with highest endeavors and people who are apt in both the languages should handle such important paperwork. Hiring a professional translation service is one sensible decision and will bring fruitful results.

Whatever kind of business you run, a translation service will provide you with the translations of legal documents, commercial documents, technical documents and others as well. You need to hire a service that provides all this with precision and within specified time. Make sure you choose a company that understands the nature of your business and consequently presents the final content that is translated aptly.

Strict attention to detail is needed for any translation project. The service that you choose should have an up-to-minute glossary of the legal, technical and other terms. Familiarity with the local anecdotes and terminology is also of much importance to deliver the top-notch translation. Translation services that employ translators who have an impeccable command over both languages as well as legal and technical terms. So, the final translations provided to you are in the perfect harmony with the original language and expresses the same idea.

Some of the services make use of one of the most advanced technologies, Translation Memory, in order to get the most accurate technical translation. Translation Memory is an advanced database that reuses the sections of text and sentences which had already been translated. Doing so expedite the ongoing translation with its quality improved. Additionally, it works on all formats. This time and money-saving technology presents your final translation with precision.

You can find one such translation services over the internet with convenience. Prior to signing a deal, a background check on the company is necessary. Ensuring that they provide precise translation at the most reasonable prices, you can request a quote. Another important aspect to check whether they follow any confidentiality policy or not. You can inquire about that while requesting the quote. Several services either return all the documents to the clients or delete them altogether. For all legal and technical translation services, you need to ensure whether the charges are for each word translation or documents.

This article has been written by an expert associated with Translink Translation Services, a renowned company that provides multilingual technical and legal translation services while maintaining the confidentiality of their clients.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Turning Our Eyes Inward To See What's Going On in the Outer World

MODE of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric Psycho-Analysis Seeing Through the Outer World of Distraction

We lose our way when we look to the outer world, (relationships, people, places, things, careers, education and events) to guide us into our delegated paths of destiny. When we disassociate from the starkly remarkable clear cut direction of the inner world, we remain 'off course', confused and fearful about our footing in our particular place in the universe, at the moment.

Our relationships reveal an uncertainty not discussed openly.

The outer world is but an ever evolving unreliable mirage, without boundaries and purposeful meaning, in as much as it reflects conditions. It does not detect. In other words, the outer world is an outward expression of an inner nebulous experience of desire for permanency. Giving credence and value to it unnecessarily, as a separate functioning entity, brings elevated perplexity and condescending despair.

Things occur for reasons incomprehensible to us.

Though we go to great lengths to add our unsolicited opinions, and smear our unjustified ignorant remarks so callously, the truth remains while the rest falls away. Nothing we say or do can change one iota of what is to be. We are not now, nor will we ever be, greater than the Tao that sustains us. It matters not what one relates, refers and registers this sacred energy as (god, universal spirit, nitrogen), the impersonal movement requires no acknowledgment to carry out supreme super structural force and intent.

In other words, we will not be consulted on the sublime activities which occur in our lives without consent or confirmation. Though the words seem somewhat fated, in a sense, arbitrarily the very opposite is the case. We can and do move through the mind's enslavement of our reoccurring predicaments (most especially in relationships) when we consciously succumb to the sanctified WILL.

This unapproachable WILL transcends our resistant personality barriers which so easily and conveniently beset us.

We have become sterile in our attempts to break through the facade of outward supported and praised meaningful purpose. We usually give up or fall short, convincing ourselves that it's easier to leave things exactly as they are, when the entire time another item on the 'what's in it for me' agenda operates full force. We rarely realize the extent we try to manipulate, control and manufacture our circumstances with these devious lies of ill repute. We KNOW we simply cannot maintain the 'status quo' but will fight like crazy to deny, denigrate or deliver more of our fictitious selves in hopelessly eroding situations.

As a means to hold things together or push things to conclusion, our actions are always selfishly generated for benefit and based upon maintaining security.

Because the outer appearances have been drilled into the psyche as offering something of worthwhile merit, we will do just about anything called for, drawing from the deepest recesses in our vividly rich imaginations to continue with the show. No matter how poorly produced and ill wittily directed. Our depth of pride remains entrenched and will not be subjected to the thought of loss, disappointment or embarrassment.

We are so dubiously attached to and inseparably identified with the outer world of appearances, we associate our basic needs, substantial drives and inarticulate demands directly from the source of the farce we have so cleverly invented. Until we encounter and surmount the ill-faced demons who constantly belittle our needs, we will remain unhappy and unsettled.

Self-absorption is our most clever game of indisputable self-deceit.

But, the corroding deception lies not with what is ingrained in our souls' roots but in the horrendously prefabricated plays we create and induce as purposeful realms of relationship experience. We look to the outer world and declare it as something that matters while we forfeit the non-intrusive voice of authenticity from deep within. Because it asks for nothing and seeks less, (as a 'comprehensible yearning' of self-unity, neither recognized nor appreciated) we discount it altogether.

How will we possibly ever begin to tap into our most cherished ruthless soul of reverent liberation and recognition IF we continue to uphold a fictitious identify along with the constructs which hold it into place? We need stop running, hiding and erecting fancy, socially suitable, glistening castles we are miserable inhabiting. We will only find our innate treasures and true talents among the compost of our lives. Yes, compost. Those areas which embarrass, confound, shame and ridicule.

In those precarious situations where nothing seems to fit or make any sense lie our cosmic rafts.

When we work tirelessly trying to fix circumstances, the caution flag of discontent rises higher to alert us we are working in vain. Surface appearances are NOT important in the scheme of things. What is important is getting in touch with what's going on inside. IF the 'still small voice' is being silenced, we are at odds with the present episode, no matter how it appears. We are walking in the midst of our own combustible ashes and they will reignite.

No amount of diminishing fear and hallmarking avoidance will make things right.

A mobilizing esoteric psycho-analytic Self-quest is excruciating! There's no two ways about it. IF we look for the easy way out, (by not confronting the incessant inner call of rebirth) we will guarantee events whose three hundred headed demon waits for us on the other side laughing uproariously at our uninformed and futile escape tactics. We must confront that which we never let surface while calling each by name.

When we feel the unrelenting pressure of the ambiguous waifs of insecurity and see nothing but uncertain doors of apparent resolve expanding, push through the awkward space, until our minds can no longer pacify or lure us into believing we have no further work to do on ourselves.

Then and only then we our relationships reflect true venerated peace.

Proud Native Born, Bred, and Resident of North Carolina, married 41 spectacular years, 6 children, 11 grandchildren.

Passionate about love, living, laughter, liberty, learning, listening, loosening up, lounging, lunch, liveliness, literacy, lip stick, letting my hair down, leaping, leaning, libido, lifting, linking, looking, lodging, luxury, lemons and lyrics.

BS in Communication MA in Art Education currently pursuing a Ph.D in Educational Psychology. Executive MODE of Cosmic Therapy Therapist, Esoteric Sexual Psycho-analyst, artist, author, entertainer, motivational speaker, teacher, singer/songwriter, perfumer, dream interpreter, musician, composer, playwright, professional astrologer, tarot consultant, numerologist, poet and self-taught chef. (Avid student of life and lover of humanity)

Sign up for Mode of Cosmic Therapy Free Monthly Email-O-Gram

The Fungi Kingdom As It Pertains To Black Mold

Knowing Fungi Kingdom

Fungi Kingdom consists of about one million species that includes a variety of molds, mushrooms, yeasts and singular fungi. The black mold and fungi live on the organic substances available, by decaying and obtaining nutritious values from them.

Organic matter such as litter, plant soil, animal dung, fungal remains and living plants are more immune to such hosts. However, this act of black mold and the rest of the fungi kingdom is much important because they breakdown the organic substances that fertilize the soil. This keeps the life cycle going on. Without decomposers such as this, the fertilized soil would have ran out thousands of years ago and no acts of farming could have taken place.

Black Mold

They are more commonly known as mildew. Molds or black mold are both the same things. They have the ability of producing a toxin that can be very harmful to living species. They are a colony of fungi that usually grows on carpets, cloths, wooden furniture, insulation materials or leather products. However, the growth of black mold is only possible when the percentage of water content in the surrounding atmosphere is relatively higher than average.

They are present in large numbers on the face of the earth. This type of fungus can grow in large colonies even in households if the conditions it demands are provided. The factors that are needed to promote black mold growth are moisture, nutrients, low temperature and light.

Whether you talk about indoors or outdoors, it is a fact that carbon plays its extensive role in our life. Thus, presence of organic materials is very likely. The factor that mostly accounts for the encouraged growth is the amount of moisture. It is impossible to eliminate carbon from our daily life, but if the atmospheric humidity is kept in control, the growth can be hindered. As far as temperature and light are concerned, they do play roles in the promotion of growth but not for all the kinds of black mold, because lots of it can grow even in complete absence of light.

Reproduction of a Black Mold

The production of mold includes four steps majorly, after the right conditions are available. Hyphae are the cells responsible for the degradation of matter as they release enzymes to extract nutrients from the environment. After they have their nutrition, the formation of spores begins in the hyphae. The formation of spores depends on the availability of the growth factors.

Once the spores have matured and are ready for promoting further growth, they are released in the air. That is why there are spores everywhere in the surrounding. They are genetically much resistant and long lasting. They only settle if they find the right aura. Otherwise, they can go on for years in inappropriate environments. When the spores find the right place for nutrients, they begin to germinate. This signifies the beginning of a new colony.

If you're interested in learning more about Black Mold and Toxic Black Mold, please feel free to visit our website.

Choosing To Help Troubled Teens With A Career As A Child Psychologist

Many people make the decision to work with troubled teens in some capacity because of the problems facing our youth today. When considering what career path to choose, young people decide they want to work to help adolescents facing the struggles they see around them every day, at home and at school among their peers. Becoming a psychologist and counseling teens is a rewarding and challenging career choice.

The first thing you will learn as you pursue a career in psychology, particularly if you plan to work with teenagers, is about the physical and emotional changes children go through at this age. The physical changes cause adolescents to obsess and stress over how their friends perceive them. They want to be popular, and they want others to like them. They may change their appearance or work on changing their personality constantly to ensure that popularity.

At this age, many adolescents begin showing their rebellious side. They express their rebellion in many different ways, from the harmless to the downright dangerous. Some begin wearing excessive makeup or get tattoos. Others may experiment with drugs and alcohol that could lead to lifelong problems.

Parents will say that this is the most difficult time in the life of a parent. Teenagers encounter difficulties at this stage of their development that they feel adults do not understand. They find that talking to an adult outside of the family circle, such as a counselor, benefits them because a counselor is objective and understands the changes teenagers go through at this stage.

Child psychologists know that the majority of behavior adolescents engage in is perfectly normal. Talking back, complaining about their chores, and railing against household rules are normal at this age. When teens act out in hostile ways, such as vandalizing, stealing, or lying about important issues, these are signs that something is not right. If a teen suddenly brings home failing grades for the first time or begins staying out past curfew, it is time for parents to consider sending their teenager to a child psychologist to find the underlying cause of it.

An emotionally stable teenager will question their parents' authority. A teenager who acts out in ways that may harm him or herself or others is one who may have emotional problems he or she cannot deal with without any help. Poor behavior might be the result of a physical condition as well. It takes the trained eyes of a child psychologist to assess the situation. Child psychologists who work with teenagers can determine the cause of a teen's troubling behavior. They will then map out a plan to help these teens work on what is bothering them.

The first thing a good psychologist will do is rule out any physical ailments that may contribute to a teen's disconcerting behavior. Child psychologists will recommend that parents take their teens to the family doctor to rule out any physical conditions. The next step will be for the psychologist to allow teens to open up to them and talk about whatever they decide they want to share.

It may take only a few counseling sessions for a good child psychologist to get to the roots of the problem. This professional will then work to help teens work on one problem at a time, until they are capable of dealing with their problems in a more constructive manner. If you believe you could make a difference in the lives of those going through the turbulent years of adolescence, you should pursue a career in child psychology. You may need to pursue a Masters degree to succeed in this field.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dream Interpretation Lessons - Mistakes You Must Avoid

Dream interpretation according to the scientific method is a very serious practice. The scientific method of dream interpretation was discovered by Carl Jung after arduous research, and simplified by me, who continued his research for two decades.

Thanks to the work of two generations, today you can easily learn the meaning of all dreams.

However, there are a few common mistakes that many people make while trying to learn the dream language and solve their problems thanks to this knowledge. I'm going to show you how to avoid these mistakes, so that you may easily learn how to translate all dream images.

Inventing the meaning of the dream images you ignore

The most common mistake most people make when trying to translate the meaning of their dreams is to invent the meaning of the dream images they ignore. In the beginning, they follow the scientific method. They translate the meaning of the most important dream symbols they detect in their dreams, but when they find dream images they ignore, they tend to invent their meaning in order to complete their translations.

This attitude is misleading. When you translate a document written in a foreign language to your own language, you must translate all words based on the meaning that they have in the foreign language. You cannot invent the meaning of the words you ignore.

Dreams give you many messages in only a few images. When you ignore the meaning of various dream images, you should simply stop your translation. Don't translate the meaning of the images you cannot understand based on your suppositions.

The generous unconscious mind repeats the same messages in many dreams, through many different ways, until you are able to really understand its lessons. Therefore, don't worry if you cannot understand something in a dream. You will understand it when you'll analyze your next dreams.

Lack of Elasticity

There are people who cannot understand the symbolic dream language because of their lack of elasticity and abstraction. The symbolic dream language is totally different from a common language.

Forget the meaning that all the animals and objects have in your daily life when you are translating the meaning of dreams. You must have the elasticity to replace the meaning of these images with the meaning that the unconscious mind gives them. Look at these images based on the unconscious logic, without distorting your translations with your conscious ideas.

If you'll have a dream where a dog is driving your car, don't start thinking about how illogical this situation is. Don't start imagining that this dream is trying to show you that you must be careful and never let your dog alone in the car or something like that.

The dog in dreams represents infidelity and immorality.

Your car represents your own life.

If a dog is driving your car, this means that your immoral tendencies are driving your life. This is the unconscious message.

You have to exchange the image of the 'dog' with the word 'infidelity' and the image of 'your car' with the words 'my life'. Don't waste your time thinking about your dreams based on your conscious logic.

Lack of Abstraction

You must be able to capture the abstract meaning of a dream symbol without being narrow-minded.

For example, if you'll have a dream where you'll see a snake when you avoid looking at the sunlight, this means that you will pass through a bitter experience in your life in order to correct a mistake. This is the meaning of the appearance of the snake in a dream.

The sunlight represents the real truth.

Since you saw the snake after avoiding the sunlight, you must conclude that you are making this mistake because you don't want to see the real truth.

The unconscious mind is your teacher. It gives you clues. Then, it lets you think and discover the solutions you need by yourself. You must become more intelligent instead of being dependent on the unconscious mind. You have to think.

Since you see a snake after avoiding the sunlight, this means that you are going to be punished by a bad event that will correct your behavior because you don't want to see the truth.

Therefore, you must conclude that you keep being eluded by your imagination. If you don't want to see the truth (because you avoid the sunlight), you'll have to pass through a bad experience in order to open your eyes. You cannot keep avoiding the truth and living based on lies. You will be punished by the consequences of your negligence because you don't want to learn this lesson without suffering. You refuse to recognize the truth.

This conclusion is not written in the dream images. It is a logical conclusion that you have to understand alone.

Not putting the unconscious lessons into practice

I'm going to mention the case of one of my patients. He was regularly sending me his dreams for professional dream translation because he suffered from insecurity and depression.

However, he was indifferent to the unconscious guidance. For example, one of his various problems was the fact that he was overweighed. I'm not going to talk about his case because my translations are private and because this case is quite complicated. I'm only mentioning this detail in order to give you a practical lesson.

I translated for him a dream in which the unconscious mind was showing him that he was indifferent to his appearance. What should the dreamer conclude after understanding this message?

I believe that the answer is quite simple. The unconscious mind was showing him that he didn't pay attention to his appearance because he had to stop being indifferent to the fact that he was fat. The dreamer had to do something in order to solve this problem.

However, the dreamer kept eating ice creams, going out for dinner with his friends, and basically living as if he didn't have to pay attention to his weight. He didn't seem to understand that he had to work and cooperate with the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind didn't tell him that he had to follow a diet and go to the gym. This is a conclusion that the dreamer had to make alone.

Have in mind that the unconscious mind shows you the truth in your dreams, expecting something from you. After seeing the truth, you have to change your attitude. If you are indifferent to the lessons you have, nothing will miraculously change in your life.

Fortunately this dreamer was sending me his dreams for translation and I could encourage him and give him my personal advice, besides translating his dreams. He always showed apathy (extreme indifference), in all matters of his life, not only concerning his appearance.

If you are somehow like him, you should simply send me your dreams for a professional dream translation. This is a way to finally take action and get out of the hole where you are. I will help you put into practice the guidance you have in your dreams, so that you may finally solve your problems.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Learning To Speak Malayalam

When we are young children, we have a great wonder about many different things in our world, especially about those who are different than ourselves. Sometimes this young age can be a great time to teach a child another language, especially when it is part of their culture. Speaking to a young child in a native language can help them be fluent in that language so that he or she may visit their native land and be able to communicate very well. For example, if you were from South India, your native language would be Malayalam.

Malayalam is one of the four major languages in South India. It's spoken by over 35 million people. Malayalam most likely originated from ancient Tamil in the 6th century, of which Modern Tamil was also derived. Overseas it is used by a large group of South Indians living in the Middle East, North America, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Europe.The word Malayalam is formed from two Tamil words. Malai which means "mountain" and "alam" which means region. Which basically means mountain region. Malayalam language script consists of 53 letters including 16 vowels and 37 consonants.

There are several ways to learn the Malayalam language other than having a parent or other relative that knows the language. One can purchase computer software to teach the child. There are not very many of these around, so it pays to do some research before purchasing a program. The best type of program will teach a child the basic alphabet, their colors, numbers and other important parts of a language. Children's minds are often more open to learning than an adult's mind and therefore they are easier to teach.

Of course, there are also websites where a child can learn as well. Many of these websites have a picture of the word, the English word, the Malayalam interpretation and how the word looks in written form. However, there are not a lot of websites that help the child sound out the syllables so that it would be easier to pronounce. However, most of the sites do have worksheets that the parents can download to test their child's progress. Furthermore some even have memory games after each lesson to test the child's recall of the previous section.

Certainly teaching your child to learn any foreign language takes a lot of time, effort and commitment on the part of both parents. However, this effort may be worth all the time invested to teach your child, especially if the language is a part of your culture.

Anu Philips is a software engineer by day, and a Malayalam teacher by night. If you want to learn Malayalam, check out her Malayalam Teacher course at

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Physiological Aspects Of Psychology

Students deciding to take an Intro to Psychology course do so for any number of reasons. They are either interested in why people behave the way they do, or they want to help people with psychological problems. In either scenario, this field is a fascinating one. Students will also learn the differences between general psychology and physiological psychology.

With the introductory course, students will learn about the history of the field of psychology. It will also uncover the subjects that are of the utmost concern to psychologists. These include the biological make-up of humans, how humans experience the world around them, and how the body's mechanisms work together to influence human behavior.

Psychology courses help students understand how the brain works, how the nervous system functions, and what part heredity plays in all of it. Students will also learn about the five senses and what part each one has in conjunction with how we take in the world around us.

Other areas covered in the courses deal with our perception, memory, awareness, and conditioning and learning. Students will learn which areas of the brain enable us to be aware of our surroundings and how outside influences affect learning and condition us in certain ways. They will also understand what part of the brain is responsible for holding our memories, and how the brain stores those memories. Other general areas covered in an Intro to Psychology course are human language and thought processes and intelligence.

Another fascinating subject psychology students will experience in class is the biological bases of motivation prevalent in animals as well as humans. There are two types of motivations. One is physiological, and the other is psychological. Physiological motivations include hunger, thirst, body temperature regulation, as well as sexual motivation, aggression, parenting, and our desire to mate.

Two other types of motivations are parenting and aggression. Psychology students will discover what role emotions play in human motivation. They will learn what constitutes primary motivation and secondary motivation. Primary motivation deals with our survival, in that we need food, water, and air to survive. Secondary motivation derives from conditioning through experience and/or training. One important example of secondary motivation is the desire to become rich.

We do not start out as infants or small children with the need for money. As we age, we learn that we need money to buy the things we need to survive, like food, clothing, and shelter. Another form of conditioning associated with money has to do with those who grew up in wealthy families where the children never worried about needing or wanting anything. These children may grow up with no motivation to earn what they need or want. With no basis for motivation, some could experience problems in adulthood when they discover that their needs go unmet without any motivation on their part.

With tons of examples of different scenarios that make humans behave the ways they do, a course in psychology is a fascinating journey in the discovery of human behavior and conditioning. You can even take a class online and choose to earn an online psychology degree. Students considering a career in this field may choose to study human behavior further. They may also decide to opt for a career that will help people with problems related to psychological or physiological behavior.

Tips For Getting A Degree In Computer Science

Unlike to many other niches, computer science counts to one of the best paid and promising niches today. Because of the large increase in people buying computers and requiring quality services, more and more companies hire specialists in different micro niches such as programming, supervising, managing or support.

But what does all that have to do with obtaining a degree in the niche? Well, computer science is a very competitive market that requires more specialized experts than ever before. With the accumulation of a bachelor's degree a person will not only be estimated higher but it will open many doors for him or her.

It doesn't matter if it takes you 3 or 5 years to obtain a specialized degree in the field because once you have it, many employers will be glad to test your expertise and eventually higher you long term. We all know that it can be extremely difficult to get involved in a computer science degree program, especially if you are working a full time job. Besides, you might have other responsibilities like family, business etc for that you have to take care of.

Anyway, whenever you decide to get involved in a degree program make sure to plan every single aspect in advance. There is no worse thing than starting with a program and not being able to finish it. In fact, attending a 2 year internet course is a long commitment. You might have to give up on other things while you attend online or local classes. There is always a price to pay and therefore you have to make a decision for the long term.

If you think you cannot afford a degree program because you have limited financial resources you can apply for scholarship at your local university. On the other hand, if you don't think you would have sufficient time to visit a local university you should look into online courses.

Online courses tend to be very cost-effective and are mostly a lot cheaper. It is recommended to get the price for a specific degree program from different internet providers to filter the most reasonable and appropriate offer. Make sure to keep note on every offer you get and try to decide which offer would best suit your needs and current circumstances.

All in all, it can be said that there are many possibilities for degree programs. If you want to be more successful in your computer science degree you should definitely advance your education.

Simply click on degree in computer science to read more detailed information. Our computer science degree online website is here to help ambitious individuals to grow in ability and skill.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Comprehensive Strategy To Learn French Fast

What is the best way to learn French fast? There is an optimal approach for learning any new language. Learning French is no exception! Learning a second language is different to learning your native language. The primary difference is that being able to speak a language already works against you. Your biggest obstacle is your native tongue.

What is the reason for this? Well, think about it a little. Every language has a set of conventions and rules. Every language has a particular structure for sentences as well. And every language usually has a formal version and a familiar or conversational version. As you form your conversations, you automatically do this by applying what comes naturally to you.

When you are trying to learn French, you need to shed the habits and conventions of your native language. For many people this is the most difficult element. This is what makes learning French seem so difficult.

However, if you follow an approach which helps you to overcome this particular difficulty you will find that you will learn French fast and easily.

The right strategy to learn French fast has a few elements. Each is important and the balance between them is critical.

First, you need to develop a basic vocabulary of words. There is no avoiding this academic necessity. Of course you can use tools to make it seem less like learning. And you can use tools which make the process faster. Your focus should be on about two hundred words which come up most frequently in casual conversation.

Be strict with yourself, and develop a plan to learn these words quickly. And make sure to stick with the plan.

Next, you need to quickly learn some grammar. We suggest that you stick with the present tense at first. Just like with the regular vocabulary learning, pick those verbs which get used most in casual conversation. Practice these as often as you can. But stick with the present tense for the first six weeks or so.

The third element is the most important element. This is the trick which brings everything together and makes learning French really easy. You must start to form complete sentences right from the beginning. The right way to do this is to get immersion in spoken French.

Getting the right amount of immersion is critical. You need about an hour a day. Generally, using an online course is the best strategy for this. There are a number of reasons, but just accept that an online course gives you the most flexibility.

When you get the right mix of these three essential elements you will find that you will learn French fast and it comes to you in a natural way. You will be amazed at how quickly you are able to conduct basic conversations in your new language!

Discover the best plan to Learn French Fast, which balances the important elements to make it an Easy Way to Learn French!