Many people make the decision to work with troubled teens in some capacity because of the problems facing our youth today. When considering what career path to choose, young people decide they want to work to help adolescents facing the struggles they see around them every day, at home and at school among their peers. Becoming a psychologist and counseling teens is a rewarding and challenging career choice.
The first thing you will learn as you pursue a career in psychology, particularly if you plan to work with teenagers, is about the physical and emotional changes children go through at this age. The physical changes cause adolescents to obsess and stress over how their friends perceive them. They want to be popular, and they want others to like them. They may change their appearance or work on changing their personality constantly to ensure that popularity.
At this age, many adolescents begin showing their rebellious side. They express their rebellion in many different ways, from the harmless to the downright dangerous. Some begin wearing excessive makeup or get tattoos. Others may experiment with drugs and alcohol that could lead to lifelong problems.
Parents will say that this is the most difficult time in the life of a parent. Teenagers encounter difficulties at this stage of their development that they feel adults do not understand. They find that talking to an adult outside of the family circle, such as a counselor, benefits them because a counselor is objective and understands the changes teenagers go through at this stage.
Child psychologists know that the majority of behavior adolescents engage in is perfectly normal. Talking back, complaining about their chores, and railing against household rules are normal at this age. When teens act out in hostile ways, such as vandalizing, stealing, or lying about important issues, these are signs that something is not right. If a teen suddenly brings home failing grades for the first time or begins staying out past curfew, it is time for parents to consider sending their teenager to a child psychologist to find the underlying cause of it.
An emotionally stable teenager will question their parents' authority. A teenager who acts out in ways that may harm him or herself or others is one who may have emotional problems he or she cannot deal with without any help. Poor behavior might be the result of a physical condition as well. It takes the trained eyes of a child psychologist to assess the situation. Child psychologists who work with teenagers can determine the cause of a teen's troubling behavior. They will then map out a plan to help these teens work on what is bothering them.
The first thing a good psychologist will do is rule out any physical ailments that may contribute to a teen's disconcerting behavior. Child psychologists will recommend that parents take their teens to the family doctor to rule out any physical conditions. The next step will be for the psychologist to allow teens to open up to them and talk about whatever they decide they want to share.
It may take only a few counseling sessions for a good child psychologist to get to the roots of the problem. This professional will then work to help teens work on one problem at a time, until they are capable of dealing with their problems in a more constructive manner. If you believe you could make a difference in the lives of those going through the turbulent years of adolescence, you should pursue a career in child psychology. You may need to pursue a Masters degree to succeed in this field.
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